Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wait, where did October go?

Somehow I missed out on writing anything the entire month of October and (almost) November as well... The last six weeks have been filled with music and food and travel, basically my three favorite things, so I have very few complaints.

It's Johannes Brahms Platz in Hamburg!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 3: Unrelated observations

Barbie Dream Castle and gardens in the French style in the ancient Roman capital city, Trier.

I'm keeping a running list of things that I find interesting or unique about Germany. It's too large to tackle all at once, so here goes nothing.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Last-minute packing, farewell food, nail polish puns.

I get on a plane in just over 52 hours.

I think the stage of "Oh, I'm actually leaving the country in two days; let me see how many things I can fit into my suitcase before it explodes" has begun. At this point, my suitcase weighs 49.6 lbs, dangerously close to the 50 lb. limit enforced by American Airlines. Living on the edge, that's me.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Only two more weeks...

I've managed to make some packing progress in the last three weeks. Suitcase is filling up; I've bought everything I need to buy pre-travel (I hope). I'm now organizing and checking things off lists and tying up loose ends at USM and in Fulton before my trip. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

34 days: Let the packing begin!

At this moment in 5 weeks [8:30 a.m. in Germany, July 3, 2012], my flight will land in Frankfurt, Germany.  I'll get off the plane, take a train to Bonn, and begin my year abroad! 

Monday, June 4, 2012

90 days: plane ticket

It's officially 90 days until I get on a plane to Germany, and today I purchased my plane ticket.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Introduction: 164 Days Until...

As of today, it is official that I will be spending the 2012-2013 academic year studying German at the Universität Bonn in Germany.